Announcement - Effective June 21st, Human Subjects Research Moves to Stage 3 of Resumption Plan. Expand for Checklist
Resumption Plan - Guidelines | Resumption Plan - Process | Resumption Plan - Checklist
June 9, 2021
Dear UMB Researchers,
We are pleased to announce the following updates regarding research operations effective on June 21, 2021:
Campus Research Not Involving Human Subjects: Laboratory-based research will be increased to 100% occupancy with no physical distancing requirements inside laboratories. Masks will continue to be required in the laboratory setting. UMB physical distancing requirements for spaces outside of laboratories including conference rooms and break areas are still in effect.
Community-based Research: The current exclusion of Category D research in community settings will be lifted, with Stage 3 community-based research allowed to resume. Researchers must follow all guidelines set by the collaborating entity (e.g., nursing home, school, community center, etc.). A letter from the collaborating entity stating that researchers are permitted to conduct studies in their facilities is required to be included as supporting documentation in a Reportable New Information (RNI) submission for the study, along with the required checklists found above.
Clinical Research and Other Campus Research Involving Human Subjects: Researchers conducting human subjects research will abide by the current University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) guidelines for conducting clinical research. UMMS guidelines currently state that researchers must wear masks, regardless of vaccination status, unless they are alone in their work space. There is no density requirement, but researchers should practice physical distancing where possible.
As COVID-19 case numbers continue to decline and the rate of vaccination continues to increase, we are pleased to move a step closer toward normal operations. Information on COVID-19 vaccine requirements and where to get a COVID-19 vaccine can be found on UMB’s COVID 19 Vaccine webpage.
Laurie E. Locascio, PhD
Vice President for Research, University of Maryland
Chair, UMB Research Advisory Task Force
Margaret M. McCarthy, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacology, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Deputy Chair, UMB Research Advisory Task Force
Susan Buskirk, DM, MS
Vice President, Chief Accountability Officer and Institutional Official