Dental coverage is available to individuals who are eligible for UMB health benefits. United Concordia offers two dental plans from which to choose: 

Dental Preferred Provider Organization (DPPO) 

Under this plan, there is no need to select a Primary Dental Office (PDO). Services may be obtained from a dentist of choice when care is needed. In-network and out-of-network dental providers are covered by the DPPO plan. If an out-of-network dentist is used, a claim form must be submitted for reimbursement and the participant may be billed for the amount charged that exceeds the allowed benefit. When using an in-network DPPO dentist, the in-network dentist will directly bill the plan for the amount the plan will pay, and bill the patient for the amount they are required to pay under the plan. No referrals are needed for specialty care. Orthodontia services are only covered for eligible children age 26 and younger.

Delta Dental (DHMO)

Under this plan, you must select a primary care dentist and record the practice name and number. Visit the Delta Dental State of Maryland webpage to search for dentists. Call Delta Dental at 1-844-697-0578 (toll free) and provide the customer service representative with your name and address, and the dentist, practice name, and practice number you have selected. You will receive an ID card and a confirmation of your primary care dentist.

How to Contact

United Concordia DPPO
1-888-MD-TEETH (1-888-638-3384)


Delta Dental (DHMO)

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