Important Information for Optional Retirement Plan Retirees (ORP)
Retirees and/or spouses of deceased ORP retirees must continuously be receiving a periodic distribution from a Maryland ORP account to maintain eligibility for retiree health benefits, per state law. Once a retiree stops receiving a periodic distribution from their Maryland ORP account, they will no longer be eligible for health benefits. Retirees must notify the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) if/when they are no longer receiving a periodic distribution from their Maryland ORP account and may owe the state for any subsidy received after the month in which the last Maryland ORP distribution was received. DBM performs regular periodic audits to determine if ORP retirees will continue to receive a periodic distribution. ORP retirees, contact your vendor Fidelity or TIAA-CREF. Go to Retirement Vendor Information for vendor contact information.