Hiring Contingent Category 2 (C2) Positions

Contingent Category 2 positions require a competitive recruitment. Once a successful contingent category II (CII) hire is determined, it will be necessary to complete Contingent Category II Hire/Renewal/Amendment Completed forms should be attached to the hire ePAF.

Contingent Category 2 positions are typically limited to three years in duration. (Positions that are grant funded or when the employee requests to remain a C2 employee are excluded from this requirement.) C2 employees are eligible to participate in the state health benefit plans.

Hiring Contingent Category 1 (C1) Positions

Contingent Category 1 (C1) employees may be hired without a competitive recruitment for a six-month contract. Please see Policy VII. 1.40 USM and UMB (A) Policies on Contingent Status Employment for Nonexempt and Exempt Employees.

Once the hire is determined, the department must complete a C1 Contract:

Please note that C1 contacts are submitted to HRComp@umaryland.edu prior to signatures for pre-approval and all C1's must have their new hire paperwork submitted through the intake process.

*Note Do not edit or delete row 1.  Row 2 is intended as a guide for entry and can be deleted prior to upload.  Each row below row 1 will create a new DocuSign contract.

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