The 2024-2025 curriculum consists of ten leadership enrichment seminars, opening and closing receptions, and two structured dialogue sessions.
Seminar | Date | Description |
Opening Reception | September | Cohort XII meet and greet and overview of program requirements and expectations. |
A Presidential Perspective | October | Dr. Jarrell will share insights from his own leadership journey. |
Where've You Been, Where're You Going? |
October | The facilitators will share their curriculum vitae (CV) with the group, discuss their respective career paths and professional goals, and discuss resume/CV tips for people at all levels of professional development. |
Preparing to Network Working Session |
November |
This working session will allow you to put the perspectives you’ve gained in previous sessions into practice. |
Inclusive Leadership |
December |
In this session, our facilitator from UMB’s office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will discuss awareness of and tips for integrating best practices for a more inclusive work experience. |
Developing Your Personal Brand |
January |
In this session, you will learn the importance of branding yourself and why it is critical to your career; how to improve your self-introduction and how you can use your strengths, values, and passions to authentically be you. |
The Power of “Me”- Recognizing and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome | February |
Have your struggles with self-doubt, inadequacy, and incompetence hindered you from applying for job promotions, made you feel like you don’t belong, or like you can’t be your authentic self? Imposter Syndrome is highly prevalent issue faced by all employee levels, but rarely discussed. This session is designed to help you recognize, understand, and work through some of our deep seeded thoughts and issues to maximize your leadership potential. |
Women in Leadership | March | A distinguished facilitator will share her journey and discuss the challenges and opportunities for women in leadership. |
Managing Conflict | April | Learn strategies to manage the expected conflict that shows up at work so you can be a more effective leader. |
Bragging Rights & Managing Up, Down & Sideways |
April |
Bragging Rights: Countless people have difficulty talking about themselves and their achievements. They have difficulty acknowledging their own skills, talents, and contributions. The facilitator will discuss the art of self-promotion, reviewing your inventory of accomplishments, the business of bragging, and bragging in the performance review. Managing Up, Down & Sideways: How do you manage? This session will examine strategies for managing at different levels as well as tips for office politics. |
Self-Branding Working Session | May | This session will incorporate tips and recommendations from several of our senior leaders to inform development of a personal statement. This working session will allow you to put the perspectives you’ve gained in previous sessions into practice. |
Closing Reception, Reflection, Next Steps, and Final Networking Event | June | The final working session will be an opportunity to reflect on Emerging Leaders journey, discuss your next steps and have a final networking opportunity with your fellow leaders. |
Dialogue Topic | Date | Description |
Leadership Styles | October | An exploration of various leadership styles through small and large group discussions |
Self-Care in Leadership | November | A discussion surrounding the importance of self-care in leadership and equitable implementation |
Emotional Intelligence | February | Participants will use a self-assessment to further a discussion on leading with emotional intelligence |
Influence | April | Participants will share perspectives and discuss strategies surrounding influence. |