Listed below are resources to assist you with updating or changing personal information. With MyUMB Self Service, you can now update or change certain job and personal information online without having to complete any paperwork. Further, with Central Payroll Self Service, you can update additional payroll-related information. We also included related resource information outside of Self Service that you might find helpful.
my UMB
Faculty and staff can utilize the MyUMB Self Service menu to change or update the following information. It is necessary to log into MyUMB portal to make changes:
- Campus Contact Information (includes: functional title, campus email, campus phone number, campus fax number, pager number, etc.)
- Campus Address (includes: building and room number)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Home Address (these changes will only be reflected in MyUMB; therefore please, review information below on Address changes)
- Leave Balances (view only)
If you need assistance with accessing the portal, please review the instructions found here.
To get your name changed in eUMB HRMS, the Department of Budget and Management, and with Central Payroll. Please submit a copy of your Social Security Card to the HR Service Center. The EAF form is not needed. The IRS requires that we use the name per the employee's Social Security records. Therefore, the only valid documentation that will be accepted for proof of a name change (for payroll purposes) is the Social Security card.
If you are enrolled in the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and/or a Supplemental Retirement Plan (401k, 403b or 457b), you must contact your vendor directly to change your name.
Change of Address
IMPORTANT: For employees who wish to change or update their address information, there are three places that must be updated.
1. MyUMB Portal is used to update your home address in the UMB system.
2. An employee who is currently enrolled in health benefits will need to update their address in the Payroll Online Service Center (POSC) to ensure you receive critical benefit information from the State of Maryland such as benefit cards, open enrollment notices, and benefit summary statements. This address also is used for the Central Payroll Bureau (CPB) as noted below.
3. Effective immediately, Central Payroll Bureau (CPB) will no longer accept address change forms. Employees will need to complete Form W4/MW507 (Maryland residents, or residents of any other states with the exception of D.C. and West Virginia), Form W4/D4 (D.C. residents) or Form W4/WV/IT-104 (West Virginia residents) in order to change their address. This is to ensure that employees are taxed at the appropriate local tax rate based on the county they are moving in to. Otherwise, CPB is obligated to tax at the maximum withholding rate.
These forms must be completed in their entirety so employees will have to complete the taxing information along with the address, i.e., number of exemptions, marital status, etc. We encourage employees to use the W4 update feature in the Payroll Online Service Center (POSC) to send CPB address changes and/or W4 information changes. However, employees who wish to claim exempt, claim more than 10 exemptions, or if an employee is a nonresident alien, a completed and signed W4 form must be submitted to CPB.
4. If you are enrolled in the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and/or a Supplemental Retirement Plan (401k, 403b or 457b), you must contact your vendor directly to change your address. However, the MD State Retirement Agency/MSRA does receive records from Central Payroll; therefore, MSRA does not need to be contacted.