The Work Number will benefit you because it is:

  • Self-Service- Employees can use the service at anytime.
  • Timely - The information is available to the lender in a matter of minutes 
  • Easy to Use - Automated, one call, paperless 
  • Accurate - Information is taken directly from the UM Payroll/Personnel System record and updated biweekly
  • Accessible - Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week/ 365 days a year.
  • Trackable - A record of all requests is maintained 
  • Simple - One number nationwide 
  • Secured- The Work Number is part of the Equifax, Inc family of services and provides state of the art security measures to protect your data.

Go to the Work Number website

Statewide Personnel System

Live Near Your Work Program: Applications Open

Visit the Launch your life site

Employee Assistance Program

2023 Healthiest Maryland Business Exemplar