1. What is the navigation to the ePAF home page?
    • My UMB portal > My UMB ePAF Self Service tab or My UMB portal > eUMB HRMS > Department Self Service > ePAF Home Page
  1. How do I check the status of my ePAF?

On the View an ePAF search page you can search by several values including eForm ID, Department, EmplID, Employee Name, Last Name, or the form type (Hire,Job, States).  If none of the search values are known, clicking on the Search button will return all the ePAFs that are available for viewing. Only those forms processed within the user’s security rights will be displayed.

  1. When does an ePAF have to be submitted to Human Resource Services to ensure timely processing?

Since an ePAF may have to go through several levels of approvals within the department, as well as Human Resource Services, please plan accordingly when submitting your employee action. Please refer to the HRSC Processing Schedule   for deadline dates. The HRSC does not have the ability to approve ePAFs that are not sitting in their queue.

  1. Do I still need to send in paperwork after using the ePAF forms? What paperwork needs to be submitted to Human Resource Services for each ePAF action?

Just like EA forms, ePAF requires supporting documentation. Please click here - link needed - for the list of documentation that must be attached to an ePAF. Any ePAF missing documentation will be recycled back to the initiator. Once corrected, the ePAF will be sent through the entire approval process again so all approvers are aware of the change(s).

  1. Can I send a paper EA form along with the ePAF, just to make sure it gets processed?

Once your area is on ePAF, any paper forms that you send in to Human Resource Services will be sent back to you. There is no need to send a paper EA form "just in case" your ePAF hasn't been processed. You can always check the ePAF to see where it is in workflow, and to make sure that it is an HRSC processing week.

  1.  What actions are not included in the ePAF process and have to be done using the pre-print?

There are some actions that cannot go through ePAF due to how ePAF would handle the change, or the fact that they require a hard signature. For these actions please use an employee pre-print where noted. The actions are:

  • Address changes - Self-Service should be used to update
  • Building changes -Self-Service should be used to update
  • REH/PYO (Rehire Payout)- Please use pre-print.
  • RET (Position/retirement update) - Retirement paperwork must be signed and attach to the pre-print.
  • Visa updates or changes- Submit documentation and attach to the pre-print.
  • Effective Date change- E-mail HRSC directly with the details. They will direct you as to the course of action to take.

Security and ePAF Role Questions

  1. Can an employee hold more than one ePAF role? If so are there exceptions?

    Yes, employees can hold more than one role but there are exceptions. Initiators cannot hold the Initiator role and the Staff and/or Faculty role.  The system has a skip and stamp feature that will take the highest role and bypass the other roles that have been assigned at the department level. This means if a initiator has the Staff or Faculty role to, the Department approver 1 and 2 will not see the ePAF for approval.

    The skip and stamp feature also applies if the initiator has the Initiator role, and Department 2 role. This would mean anyone else who has been assigned Department 1 would not see the ePAF for approval.

  2. Do I need a backup?

    It is recommended that each role in ePAF also have a backup person who can approve on your behalf when you are unable to do so. Human Resources Services is unable to approve ePAFs until they are in our queue for approval. This means that ePAFs will sit in workflow until approval is completed at the department level. Backups also receive the notification emails when ePAFs are waiting to be processed.

  3. Is there any way to stop the notification emails being sent to my backup when I am here?

    There is not. We encourage departments to work out their business process on how approvals are going to happen at the department level.

  4. What is the viewer role?

    With approval, security rights to the viewer role can be given to anyone who wants to view ePAFs but will not be approving them.

  5. Where can I get help with setting up ePAF roles?
  6. Please contact HRePAF@umaryland.edu for help in setting up ePAF roles for your department.

Initiating/Approving/Recycling/Deleting ePAF Questions

  1.  Who can initiate and approve ePAFs?

Only employees who have Initiator access can start an ePAF.  Initiators and approvers have to request ePAF access using the eForm User Authorization form and send it to HRePAF@umaryland.edu.

  1. Who can change information on the ePAF?

Only the Initiator can change/correct information on the ePAF. Neither Approvers nor Human Resource Services employees who have approval roles in ePAF can adjust an ePAF for you; they can only recycle.

  1. Can the Initiator change an ePAF form after it has been approved by an Approver in the workflow?

No. It must be recycled by the Approver back to the Initiator and resubmitted again for approval once the changes have been made. Or, the Initiator can withdraw the ePAF before the ePAF is processed by the HRSC.

  1. How can I delete my ePAF?

The Initiator can withdraw the ePAF by selecting Withdraw only if the ePAF has NOT yet been executed by the HRSC.

  1.  How can I see where an ePAF is in the approval process?

Using the Process Visualizer you can see where an ePAF is in the approval workflow. The Process Visualizer is conveniently located on the 2nd page of every ePAF. If you want to see who the next approver is, click on the link Who Can Work This Form to find the name and e-mail address.

ePAF Data Questions

  1. At what point does the information from  ePAF show up in Job Data?

Job Data will be updated after the HR Service Center approvals during their processing week. Please refer to the HRSC Processing Schedule for those dates.

  1. Could more than one ePAF be initiated for the same employee?

If an employee has an ePAF in workflow and it has not been processed by the HR Service Center, no new ePAFs can be initiated. 

  1. To add an additional job to an employee within my department which ePAF form should I use?

Use the Hire an Employee ePAF form.

  1.  What form should I use to transfer an employee into my department from another department?

Use the Hire an Employee ePAF form.

  1. Will I be able to change comments once they are entered?

No.  Once comments are entered and the ePAF is saved the comments are on record.  Please make sure your comments are appropriate and use the included spell check option. Comments are required when an ePAF is recycled.

  1. When I enter the salary the bi-weekly rate is not calculating correctly. How can I fix this?

When entering salary data in ePAF the biweekly figure reflected on-screen as you enter an annual salary is a rough figure that is not adjusted based on the biweekly factor (Leap year vs. Non-leap year).  Once the action has been approved, the system will correctly calculate the biweekly figure based on the appropriate factor.


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