ePAF Roles

Initiator is the designated departmental employee authorized to create ePAFs.

Approvers are the individuals authorized to review and approve information within an ePAF. There could be multiple approvers required for single ePAF since review and approval is required from specific areas within the School or department.

Human Resource Services is the final approver of ePAF and is responsible for its application to HRMS.

Backup are individuals who are authorized to initiate or take approval action in the absence of the initiator/approver.

Status of the eForm

Transaction Status – refers to the status of an ePAF.

Pending -When the personnel action is submitted by the Initiator to the Approver, the ePAF is considered to be in a Pending approval transaction status.

Partially Approved - The ePAF has been approved by one or more Approvers, but is still awaiting HR approval.

On Hold - The user can place an ePAF On Hold if more information is needed.

Executed - The ePAF has been processed by the Service Center.

Recycled - The ePAF is returned for correction; the Initiator is required to correct and resubmit the ePAF.

Viewing Options

My Worklist - Shows any ePAF that needs approval before it can be passed to the next approver. A user will receive an email notification when there is an item waiting on the worklist.

View an ePAF - View any ePAF that was created or approved within your security.

Visualizer - Graphic that shows where an ePAF is in the approval process.

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