The Performance Development Program (PDP) is UMB's formal process for employee evaluation and development. Participating in the PDP process is a critical responsibility for every supervisor, and it is expected that an evaluation be completed at the end of the performance cycle. By using the process, employees are clear about goals, objectives, and expectations that are essential to an employee’s development and overall success.

Performance Development Cycle: April 1st – March 31st  

Employee Class

Performance Planning  

Employee Self-Evaluation  

Performance Feedback & Development  

Mid-Cycle Review  

Performance Evaluation Due  


May 1st – May 31st   

April 1st -  April 7th



April 30th  


June 1st – June 30th

April 1st  – April 30th


November 30th   

June 1st



 Performance Development Program Support Information:

  1. For day-to-day questions or inquiries related to School/Unit specific timelines and criteria that are established by Deans or VP's, please contact your designated School/Unit HR representative.
  2. For help with how to use the online portal, please contact the PDP Solution Center Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. via email:
  3. For technical issues, please contact the Help Desk weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on weekends (Saturday-Sunday) from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at or 410-706-HELP (4357). For more information, please visit their website at
  4. For questions regarding the Performance Development Program, please contact your designated ELR representative or please contact the general ELR Department to be routed to the next available representative at or 410-706-7302.


Need help getting started with the UMB Performance Evaluation? Instructions, frequently asked questions, and other resources are available:

Performance Improvement

A performance improvement plan is a plan that communicates performance expectations, where an employee is not meeting the expectation and instructions on what must be done to correct deficiencies and the timeframe in which it should be accomplished. This plan can be constructed with the assistance of Employee and Labor Relations.

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