UMB ICTR Announces First ICTR/CTSA TL1 Training and KL2 Mentored Career Development Awardees
  • UMB ICTR/CTSA KL2 Leadership and Awardees at the ICTR Scholars and Mentors Orientation and Celebration, August 27, 2019.  From left to right: Meriem Gaval-Cruz, PhD; Danya Qato, PharmD, PhD, MPH; Rose Viscardi, MD; Stephanie Chen, MD, MS; Sydnee Chavis, DMD; ICTR Director Stephen Davis, MBBS, FRCP, FACE, MACP; Janet Alexander, MD; Christy Chang, PhD; Jaih Craddock, PhD, MSW, MA; Rachel Breman, PhD, MPH, RN; Graziela Kalil, PharmD 

  • UMB ICTR/CTSA TL1 Leadership and Awardees at the ICTR Scholars and Mentors Orientation and Celebration, August 27, 2019.  From left to right: Sarah Robbins, PhD student; Olivia Martin, MD; ICTR Director Stephen Davis, MBBS, FRCP, FACE, MACP; Luana Colloca, MD, PhD, MS; Graziela Kalil, PharmD; Bern Monari, PhD student. 

Learn more about each of our KL2 and TL1 Awardees and their research interests:  

  • KL2 Awardees

    Janet Leath Alexander, MD

    UMB School of Medicine

    Department of Ophthalmology

    Project Title: Using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) to predict post-operative complications following pediatric cataract surgery


    Rachel B. Breman, PhD, MPH, RN

    UMB School of Nursing

    Department of Partnerships, Professional Education and Practice

    Project Title: Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a revised shared decision-making tool to optimize patient-centered care during childbirth


    Sydnee Chavis, DMD

    UMB School of Dentistry

    Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    Project Title: Factors impacting the dental care for patients with special needs


    Stephanie H. Chen, MD, MS

    UMB School of Medicine

    Department of Neurology

    Project Title: Mapping glutamate and GABA in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy


    Jaih Craddock, PhD, MSW, MA

    UMB School of Social Work

    Project Title: A multimedia-based sexual health promotion and HIV preventive intervention for young black adults


    Danyo Qato

    Danya Qato, PharmD, PhD, MPH

    UMB School of Pharmacy

    Pharmaceutical Health Services Research

    Project Title: Towards a multidisciplinary program to improve healthcare provision and outcomes for pregnant and postpartum women with complex polysubstance use



    Pre-Doctoral Scholars

    Bern Monari, PhD Student

    Institute for Genome Sciences, UMSOM

    Research Interests: The relationship between microbiota and infection, women’ s health


    Sarah Robbins, PhD Student

    Epidemiology Program, Graduate Program in Life Sciences, UMSOM

    Research Interests: Women’s health and the epidemiology of reproductive tract infections


    Post-Doctoral Scholar

    Olivia Martin, MD

    General Surgery Residency Program, UMSOM

    Research Interests: Genomics, microbiomics and sepsis risks