University of Maryland School of Pharmacy programs provide innovative care, education, and research advances that make a difference in the lives of citizens in Maryland and beyond.
Through innovation, collaboration, and advocacy, resource programs within the SOP work to improve citizens’ health. Program directors are progressive pharmacy practitioners and nationally renowned researchers who are committed to direct patient care and are models of professionalism and leadership.
Community Outreach Programs/Projects
PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating the effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS)
The PATIENTS program empowers patients to propose questions about their health care concerns and actively participate in studies to answer them. The program combines the expertise of leading researchers from the University of Maryland, Baltimore and the University of Maryland, College Park with innovative partnerships with local patient communities and health care systems to ensure that patients, health care providers, and other partners are actively engaged in research. It is supported by a $5 million grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ 1R24HS022135-01).
Behavioral Health Research Team
The Behavioral Health Research Team at the SOP provides technical assistance to guide jurisdictions and communities across Maryland through the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) in addressing substance abuse prevention issues.
Opioid Misuse Prevention Program (OMPP): The OMPP is administered by the Division of Population-Based Behavioral Health within the Behavioral Health Administration. The OMPP utilizes the Strategic Prevention Framework to guide jurisdictions to implement data-driven, evidence-based strategies. The goals of the OMPP initiative are to provide funding to jurisdictions to reduce misuse, overdoses, and overdose fatalities from opioid use.
Underage and Youth Binge Drinking. Partnership for Success Grant (MSPF II): The Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework II Project (MSPF II) utilizes SPF-PFS funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to strengthen the efforts of 10 local coalitions previously funded under the first MSPF initiative. MSPF II is administered by the Division of Population-Based Behavioral Health within the Behavioral Health Administration. The purpose of the MSPF II Project is to institutionalize the Strategic Prevention Framework throughout the state to develop and enhance Maryland’s substance abuse prevention system. The goals of the MSPF II initiative are to reduce underage and youth binge drinking in Maryland and strengthen state and local community capacity and infrastructure.
Overprescribing of Controlled Substances. Strategic Prevention Framework for Prescription Drugs (SPFRx): Beginning in Fiscal Year 2017, SPFRx is a five-year initiative funded by SAMHSA. The Behavioral Health Research Team will be tasked with using SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework to address the two main goals of SPFRx: to reduce nonmedical use of prescription drugs and strengthen state and local capacity to address the overprescribing of controlled substances.
Maryland Statewide Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW)
A partnership between the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration (ADAA) of the State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), SEOW provides state substance abuse prevention and treatment providers, policymakers, research, and citizens with information about the consumption, risk factors, and consequences associated with alcohol, tobacco, and drug use in Maryland.