About the CEnR Partnership Development Award

The purpose of the UMB ICTR Community Engaged Research (CEnR) Partnership Development Award is to support the preparatory work of developing a sustainable community partnership, identifying the research question, and laying the foundation for a future CEnR grant opportunity to address the health needs of our community, particularly those of the traditionally underserved or marginalized/minoritized populations. Please note that the Partnership Development Award funds are not to be used to conduct research. 

Applications Accepted Quarterly (February 3rd, May 1st,  August 1st, November 3rd, 2025)

Deadline:        Quarterly: Feb 3, May 1, Aug 1, Nov 3, 2025, 5 pm EST
Eligibility:       Faculty at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor with a minimum 51% FTE appointment from University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), or University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP)
Budget:      Up to $10,000 in Direct costs for 18 months. Funding is through the ICTR CEnR Partnership Development Voucher Mechanism.
Notice of Award:    6-8 weeks after application deadline


CEnR Partnership Development Award (2025) Description and Criteria

Please Review Carefully!

How to Apply

Download the required templates below before completing. 

  1. Abstract Template - CEnR Partnership Development
  2. Budget and Justification Template - CEnR Partnership Development
  3. UMCP Applicants Only - UMCP Universal Funding Form (UFF) for CEnR Partnership Development Award
  4. Statement - see RFA for details
  5. Timeline Template - CEnR Partnership Development for voucher utilization (voucher award should be used within 18 months)
  6. Community Partner(s) Letter of Partnership (upload in Additional Document Section electronic application

The Electronic Application is Housed in REDCap

  • UMB faculty
    • Use your UMID/password to log into the webpage to access the link to the ICTR Resource Request Form.  The request for the CEnR Partnership Development Application is near the end of the form, after the ICTR cores of services. 
  • UMBC and UMCP faculty
    • Please use this link to request an ICTR Resource Request application https://rs.igs.umaryland.edu/surveys/?s=HDNFLEWNR9HPEYP7.
    • Fill in your information early in the request form to activate the branching logic that will permit the CEnR Voucher application request information to appear at the end of the form.
    • Your request for an application will be processed by the ICTR Navigator. Please check for an email with a link to your electronic CEnR Partnership Development Application within 1-2 business days after you submit your request. Please email ICTR-Navigator@umaryland.edu if you have concerns or questions. 

You may return to your electronic application edit by using the Save and Return feature that will ask you for an email where the unique link back to your application can be sent. Once you submit the electronic application, you will receive an email confirming receipt. Please email ICTR-Navigator@umaryland.edu if you have concerns or questions. 

This section last updated 1/21/2025