UMB ICTR-Supported Data Resources and Tools

 These services may be eligible for ICTR support.  Please email if you are interested in the services below.  

All of Us data

N3C (National COVID Cohort Collaborative)

ICPSR (Inter university Consortium for Political & Social Research)

QDR (Qualitative Data Repository)

UMB Data Catalog

OSF (Open Science Framework)

DMP Tool

For full description, see PHSR Community Database Description of Databases and PHSR Community Database Fees


Other UMB Campus Data Sources

The UMB Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL) introduced the UMB Data Catalog in 2018.  UMB is one of several academic health science libraries currently participating in the Data Catalog Collaboration Project (DCCP) to increase data sharing.  The catalog is not a repository to store datasets; it describes them.  The UMB Data Catalog is a searchable and browsable collection of records describing datasets created by or used by UMB researchers.  Do you want to increase the visibility of your data and data re-use?  Consider adding information about it to the UMB Data Catalog.  Datasets are discoverable through a search in the UMB Data Catalog, Google's Dataset Search (beta) and Google.  Use the link to your dataset record in articles, CVs, and your web profile.  Email

Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP) Data for UMB Researchers: Research data are available through Maryland's CRISP health information exchange. For more information, please visit the CRISP website. Questions can be directed to 

Safety, Clinical Outcomes, Research, and Effectiveness (SCORE) Program: Anesthesiology has been a pioneer in patient safety since the late 1970s and remains a leader in the field through its partnership with the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Anesthesia Quality Institute and the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. The Department of Anesthesiology maintains the Anesthesia Clinical Registry (ACR), a data warehouse that is used for research and operational purposes. Collaborators on research and quality improvement projects from within the department, the School of Medicine, and the University of Maryland Medical System work closely with SCORE's ACR team to maximize use of this rich data resource while adhering to high standards of data practice and research ethics. Potential collaborators should contact for more information. 

Need Campus Statistics for a Grant Submission?  Go to the Office of Institutional Research and Accountability for reports on student and faculty counts for each school, student and faculty demographics, grant submission statistics, and more.