With the Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) Core bring your most promising new therapeutics out of the laboratory and into the clinic at an accelerated pace. 

To apply, see How to Apply... below


Faculty can request up to 25 hours* of free services from each of the following areas:

Directed by Dr. Alexander MacKerell, the UMB Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) Center provides custom services in the areas of rational drug discovery and optimization and macromolecular modeling, including proteins, DNA, RNA, carbohydrates, and lipids. Specific capabilities include in silico database screening, lead compound optimization and rational formulation of biologics using the site-identification by ligand saturation (SILCS) approach. Macromolecular modeling capabilities include homology modeling and molecular dynamic simulations including enhanced sampling technologies. The CADD center will offer all UMB campus faculty access to up to 25 hours of free research-related consultation, including interactive computer access, and 2,500 CPU hours of batch computational resources including access to CADD computational software and in silico databases.

Directed by Dr. Joga Gobburu, the Center for Translational Medicine (CTM) offers clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics services to support drug development and regulatory submissions. 

Pharmacokinetic (PK) Analysis and Reporting

  • Non-compartmental PK data analysis for single-, multiple-ascending dose, drug-drug interaction, food effect, bioequivalence, bioavailability, Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling and special population studies

Population Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) & Exposure-Response Analyses and Reporting

  • Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacody­namic (PK/PD) analysis, exposure-response model­ing, and simulation for effectiveness and safety endpoint
  • Special expertise in pediatric and QT trial design and analysis

Disease Modeling and Trial Design

  • Quantitative disease-drug-trial models to support internal company and regulatory decisions
  • Comparative effectiveness, clinical trial simulations, projecting net drug effect, un­derstanding trial failures, and asset valua­tion, design and analysis of adaptive, en­richment, and dose-response trials

The CTM will offer all UMB campus faculty access to up to 25 hours of free research-related consultation on topics related to PK,PD, PKPD modeling, experimental and clinical trial design, and drug development.

Directed by Dr. Maureen Kane, the Mass Spectrometry Center (MSC) provides state of the art analysis in various advanced protein analysis techniques including comparative proteomic expression analysis, post-translational modification analysis, protein interaction (interactome) analysis as well as a number of other custom proteomic analysis capabilities. The MSC also provides a host of other mass spectrometry-based techniques including quantitative LC-MS/MS, targeted metabolomics, lipidomics, and mass spectrometry imaging. 

The MSC will offer a free consultation and subsidized proteomic studies of up to 12 samples* where the person time and 5% of the hourly instrument use charges will be subsidized**. Experiments for other analysis techniques may also be possible up to the 25 ICTR-supported hours of service, but require an ICTR Resource Request submission and consultation to determine scope and feasibility. For experiments requiring specialized reagents, reagents will be charged at cost. 

*actual study size depends on types of samples/scope of analysis to be determined in consultation

**subsidy rate is evaluated periodically and subject to change

 The MSC offers expertise and applications in the following research areas: 

  • Metabolomics

  • Lipidomics

  • Proteomics

  • Quantitative Analysis of Metal Ions in Biological Systems and Materials; Metallomics

  • LC-MS/MS assay development

  • Drug analysis and PK/PD

  • GLP regulated bioanalysis for clinical studies

  • Chemical compound identification and structure elucidation

  • Biomarker identification and characterization

  • Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI)

  • Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX)

  • Fast Photochemical Oxidation of Proteins (FPOP)

  • Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics

Directed by Dr. Stephen Hoag, the Drug Formulation Laboratory - also known as the Applied Pharmaceutics Laboratory (APhL) - has fully-equipped modern research laboratories for pre-formulation and formulation production. The APhL can develop custom dosage forms and matching placebos for research, animal testing and human clinical trials: Dosage forms can be immediate, enteric and controlled release. The APhL also conducts studies needed for the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) section of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application and helps prepare regulatory filings to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

How to Apply for ICTR Resources

For UMB faculty, use your UMID to log in to the  ICTR Resource Request webpage to access the link to the application (developed in REDCap).   

For UMBC, UMCP, and JHU faculty, please use this link to request an application https://rs.igs.umaryland.edu/surveys/?s=HDNFLEWNR9HPEYP7

PLEASE NOTE!  You must be ready to use any service you select on the request form.  Services cannot be encumbered for future use. 

For questions, please email ICTR-Navigator@umaryland.edu.

ICTR DDD Core Leadership