Led by Dr. Jean Jeudy, he Clinical and Research Imaging Informatics Core (CRIC) is a resource for the UMB ICTR that aims to bridge information science, computer science, and health care imaging, delivering a comprehensive suite of services for researchers on campus.
CRIC provides a breadth of imaging-related services, including ingestion and curation of imaging data, project organization, labeling, annotation of images and data for search, and providing compliant, configurable de-identification tools.
The National Institutes of Health’s new mandatory policy on data management and sharing is intended to improve research reproducibility and leverage data for greater effectiveness. CRIC is aligned to help researchers at all funding levels comply with the new regulations.
The core offers advice and guidance on imaging informatics topics such as DICOM, medical ontologies, artificial intelligence, image post-processing, and data harmonization with common standards. Advanced custom workflows can be crafted in conjunction with the University of Maryland Medical Intelligent Imaging Center (UM2ii). Through collaboration with UM2ii, researchers can automate labeling, conversion, pre-processing, and pipelines for their projects in a secure and compliant manner.
We are passionate about providing sophisticated and robust services to the UMB scientific community and are committed to creating novel informatics solutions for single or multi-center studies.