UMB Campus Shared Resources

UMB Human Research Protections (HRP): The Human Research Protections Program is composed of many UMB individuals, offices, boards, and committees. These components within UMB are responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of subjects participating in human research. Through the Researchers page, the UMB IRB site includes multiple resources, such as the Investigator Manual, instructional videos on how to create and submit an IRB application, links to the required training, and links to DHHS, FDA, DOD, and VA regulations.

The Baltimore Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System (VAMHCS) Research & Development Committee has the responsibility for oversight of the local research program as defined in VHA Handbook 1200.01. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Research and Development Committee has delegated its responsibility to conduct scientific review to the IRB. The Research & Development Committee must review and approve all VA research (human, animal, and laboratory) and review and approve all modifications, including those related to biosafety or radiation safety. This website includes information about the additional requirements of investigators and their staff involved in research activities that utilize VA resources, including VA patients, VA space, and VA investigators.

The Office of Animal Welfare Assurance (OAWA) facilitates and assists faculty in the conduct of research and other activities involving the use of laboratory animals. The OAWA is the regulatory oversight office for the School of Medicine's Animal Care and Use Program and provides support for the School of Medicine's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

Conflict of Interest: An important component of the Research Integrity Program at UMB is the management of financial conflicts of interest in research. The office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs oversees the management process for such conflicts. The Conflict of Interest (CoI) Officer is UMB’s designated official to administer the review and management process for such conflicts.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS):  EHS provides information, tools, and training to conduct research safely, protect the environment, and meet regulatory requirements.