Research Proposal Development and Review
Studios Consult Services: The “Studios” program brings together internal, multidisciplinary experts to provide free, structured, project-specific feedback for researchers. "Studios" have become an integral component of successful clinical translational research across the nation. Visit our Studios page to learn more information and how to apply for this ICTR-supported service.
UMB Campus Shared Resources
School of Medicine Faculty Profiles
Search by Key Words to find School of Medicine (SOM) faculty with interests similar to yours
Center for Advanced Research Training & Innovation (CARTI)
The mission of the Center for Advanced Research Training and Innovation (CARTI) is to nurture and grow rising biomedical and clinician scientists engaged in well-funded and highly innovative biomedical research. CARTI serves as a hub for robust formal & informal research training and professional development.
HS/HSL Resources
Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL) Research Support
- Research Support services (see tab on HS/HSL landing page):
- Research Consultation
- Systematic Review
- Bioinformation Program
- Research Data Management Services
- Expert Literature Search
- Research Impact Assessment
- NIH Public Access Policy Compliance
- IRB Research Consent Form Review
- How to Use PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, RefWorks, etc.
- Ask HS/HSL about assistance with NIH requirements for Data Management and Sharing Plan.
- UMB Entrepreneur Toolkit
The HS/HSL has a toolkit of information for entrepreneurs and innovators interested in learning more about intellectual property, starting their own company, innovating, and other related topics.
- Research Support services (see tab on HS/HSL landing page):
Tips for Writing
- UMB Writing Center: Supports UMB students, postdocs, faculty, and staff in becoming skilled, successful, and confident writers through one-on-one consultations, online writing resources, and a variety of workshops and events.
- National Institutes of Health:
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Apply for a Grant
- Planning Your Application
- Writing Your Application
- National Institutes of Health: Are You On the Fence About Whether to Resubmit?
Sponsor Review of Grant Proposals
National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants process and review:
NIH Continuous Submission policy and information and recent policy notice (March 2, 2017)
Center for Scientific Review Applicant Resources
NIH advice: Are You on the Fence About Whether to Resubmit?
National Science Foundation (NSF) merit review process:
- Review sponsor's instructions and website to learn about the review, evaluation, and funding process for proposals. Time frames and processes vary widely.
- Reviewers have limited time and energy to devote to your proposal. If you make them work too hard to understand what you are trying to say, they will have little energy left to assess your ideas. Good ideas can be overlooked if the reviewer becomes distracted by typos, poor grammar, or other errors in construction. Clear, concise language is key to a good proposal.
- Reviewer comments can be used to strengthen the application for the next round of funding. If the sponsor does not routinely return comments to the investigator as part of its process, consider requesting them.
UMB Office of Research and Development
Visit UMB's Office of Research and Development for additional information about UMB policies for sponsored programs and grants administration, accounting, and compliance as well as sponsored programs and grants.