Tenth Annual IPE Faculty Development Day
Thursday, July 27, 2023


In lieu of our annual IPE Faculty Development event on campus, we are working with the University of Nebraska Medical Center in their 5th Annual Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference - Collaborating for Competency: Promoting Interprofessional Education and Practice.

The first day of the conference will be virtual and very similar to our typical UMB IPE Faculty Development Day with a keynote speaker, followed by breakout rooms and potentially poster sessions.

This event affords UMB faculty with the opportunity to learn from and network with many leaders in IPE across the country. 

Past IPE Faculty Development Days

Ninth Annual IPE Faculty Development Day

The Eighth Annual IPE Faculty Development Day was held on January 27, 2021 virtually. Faculty and staff from the UMB schools attended, along with staff from HSHSL. The half-day session began with a keynote panel presentation by the BIG 10 IPE Alliance Members Alexa Valentino, PharmD, BCACP, Devin Nickol, MD, Hassein Khalili, BScN, MScN, PhD, and Mary Keehn, PT, DPT, MHPE titled "Telehealth and Virtual Interprofessional Learning Experiences (with a Focus on Health Literacy) followed by three breakout learning sessions: Introductory Session: Development of a Virtual Didactic IPE Activity; Intermediate Session: Simulations and Standardized Patients in a Virtual Environment; and Advanced Session: Clinical Practice in a Virtual Environment.  These sessions helped faculty improve their IPE skills and learn how to integrate IPE in the virtual classroom.

Eighth Annual IPE Faculty Development Day

The Eighth Annual IPE Faculty Development Day was held on January 29, 2020 in the School of Pharmacy. Faculty and staff from the UMB schools attended, along with staff from HSHSL. The half-day session began with a keynote panel presentation by Leah Millstein, MD (SOM) titled “IPE Success Story: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from an IPE Seed Grant Faculty Awardee” followed by three breakout learning sessions: Introductory Session: Development of a Classroom or Experiential IPE Activity; Intermediate Session: Assessment of IPE; and Advanced Session: Sustainability of IPE (including funding sources).  These sessions helped faculty improve their IPE skills and learn how to integrate IPE in the classroom.

Seventh Annual Faculty Development Day

The Seventh Annual IPE Faculty Development Day was held on April 3, 2019 in the School of Pharmacy. Faculty and staff from the UMB schools attended, along with staff from HSHSL. The half-day session began with a keynote panel presentation followed by three breakout learning sessions: Introductory Session: Development of a Classroom or Experiential IPE Activity; Intermediate Session: Assessment of IPE; and Advanced Session: Sustainability of IPE (including funding sources).  These sessions helped faculty improve their IPE skills and learn how to integrate IPE in the classroom.

Sixth Annual Faculty Development Day

The Sixth Annual IPE Faculty Development Day was held on January 31, 2018 in the School of Pharmacy. Faculty and staff from the UMB schools attended, along with staff from HSHSL. Also attending were nurses from the University of Maryland Medical Center and faculty from the University of Maryland, College Park. The half-day session began with a keynote panel presentation followed by three breakout learning sessions: Introductory Session: IPE 101-Designing IPE Projects; Intermediate Session: Cultural Competence for Health and Human Service Providers; and Advanced Session: Evaluation and Measure Assessments. These sessions helped faculty improve their IPE skills and learn how to integrate IPE in the classroom.