The Center for Interprofessional Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is pleased to announce three funding opportunities. The first funding opportunity is for up to $20,000 for seed grants that provide support for IPE and IPC pilot projects. The two additional funding opportunities are for up to $25,000 for seed grants for IPE and IPC projects that are focused on Team-Based Care in the domains of Health Equity, Health Literacy, or Interprofessional Simulation.

The Center for Interprofessional Education at UMB is pleased to announce three funding opportunities for projects focused on Team-Based Care.

  • Proposals should be practice- or classroom-focused, with educational and evaluative components employing the IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. 
  • Grant funds, up to $15,000 may be used toward salary/ benefit support or stipend, assuming approval from the individual’s supervisor in their primary UMB School.

The following definitions of interproessional education and interprofessional care should be used when developing proposals:

Interprofessional education (IPE): “When students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes.” (World Health Organization, 2010)

Interprofessional team-based care (IPC): Care delivered by intentionally created, usually relatively small, work groups in health care, who are recognized by others as well as by themselves as having a collective identity and shared responsibility for a patient or group of patients.

Seed Grant Applications

Health Equity Seed Grants will have a focus on the inclusion and accessibility of healthcare and human services. Initiatives may focus on the systems and policies that have perpetuated the generational injustices resulting in racial and ethnic health disparities.

Health Literacy Seed Grants will have a focus on ensuring all audiences are able to access, understand, and use information and services to make the best possible health-related decisions for themselves and others.

Interprofessional Simulation Grants will have a focus on educating and training professional students in immersive, technologically advanced experiences to master cognitive, technical, and behavioral skill sets.

Seed Grants that do not fall into one of the above categories are still accepted and eligible for funding.

Completed applications were due April 17, 2024.