2017-2018 Recipients
Nicole Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, BCPP, FASCP (SOP), received a $10,000 seed grant for IPE Care in Geriatrics – Expanding Opportunities of Aging in Place Program in West Baltimore. Faculty and staff collaborating on this project are: Angie Battaglia, MS (SOM), Reba Cornman, MSW (Graduate), Kelly Doran, PhD, RN (SON), Sarah Dee Holmes, MSW (SSW), Daniel Mansour, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP (SOP), Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP (SON), Norman Retener, MD (SOM), Bernadette Siaton, MD (SOM), and Everett Smith, LGSW (SSW). The proposed IPE project is to expose interprofessional students (SSW, SON, SOP, SOM) to the needs of older adults through a hybrid learning opportunity, educational and clinical program. Clinical care in geriatrics is by definition interdisciplinary and clinically requires the input of the entire interdisciplinary team. Consequently, the proposed project incorporates the involvement of all disciplines that are important to the care of older adults: medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work. The main goal of the project will center around health promotion and disease management and prevention through facilitation of care. Students will be provided with interdisciplinary experiences in the clinical setting to teach and evaluate older adults living in the community, build relationships, and highlight the process of delivering care. This will be achieved by utilizing various learning and educational strategies. To learn more, please contact Dr. Brandt at 410-706-1491 or nbrandt@rx.umaryland.edu.
Leah Millstein, MD (SOM), was awarded a seed grant in the amount of $15,000 for Interprofessional Approach to Advance Care Planning. Faculty members Amanda Agarwal, LCSW-C (UHC), John Allen, MD (UMMC), Danielle Baek, MD (SOM-UHC), John Cagle, PhD, MSW (SSW), Neda Frayha, MD (SOM), Nikkita Southall, MD (SOM), Joan Davitt, PhD, MSW, MLSP (SSW), Mel Bellin, PhD, LCSW (SSW), and Steven Eveland, MBA, RN, CHPN (UMMC) collaborated on this project. The Interprofessional Approach to Advance Care Planning project will enhance knowledge and comfort of medical, social work, and nursing students on the critical topic of advance care planning, while also providing them with firsthand experience of multidisciplinary collaboration and, specifically, team-based care delivery. Over the course of the 2017-2018 academic year, students will be educated on various advance care planning topics during an educational seminar administered by faculty from the schools of medicine and social work. Students will then collaborate in an interdisciplinary clinical encounter dedicated to advance care planning at the University Health Clinic. The students' experiences will be assessed with a series of surveys, with the expectation that participation will improve the students’ comfort and ability to address advance care planning. To learn more, please contact Dr. Millstein at 410-328-7783 or lmillste@som.umaryland.edu
Jeffrey Gonzales, PharmD, FCCM, BCPS, BCCCP (SOP) and Nirav Shah, MD, FCCP (SOM), received a $15,000 seed grant for A new era of “See one, Do one, Teach one.” Using an Interprofessional Education Module to Learn, Teach and Optimize the Treatment of Sepsis. Faculty contributors to this grant are: Tracey Wilson, DNP, ACNP (SON-UMMC), Joan Davenport, PhD, RN (SON), Samuel Tisherman, MD, FACS, FCCM (SOM-UMMC), Renee Dixon, MD (SOM), Mojdeh Heavner, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP (SOP), and Siu Yan Amy Yeung, PharmD (SOP-UMMC). This project is designed to improve interprofessional education focusing on the care of patients with sepsis. Students from three schools (SOP, SOM, SON) will be invited to attend during their experiential rotation at University of Maryland Medical Center. A pre- and post-anonymous survey will evaluate the participants’ perceptions and knowledge of interdisciplinary care of patients with sepsis. To learn more, please contact Dr. Gonzales at 410-706-5830 or jgongale@rx.umaryland.edu or Dr. Shah at 410-328-8141 or nshah@som.umaryland.edu.
Patricia Franklin, PhD, RN (SON), was awarded a $20,000 seed grant for Building the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s Interprofessional Continuing Education Capacity (IPCE). Faculty and staff collaborating on this project include: Seante Hatcher, LCSW-C (SSW), Jason Noel, PharmD, BCPP (SOP), Chanise D. Reese-Queen, CMP, MSA (SOM), and Anita Tarzian, PhD, RN (SON and SOL). The purpose of this grant is to build a sustaining interprofessional continuing education program. Licensed practitioners have little or no interprofessional education experience and therefore lack those practice competencies. A recently published report from the 2016 Joint Accreditation Leadership Summit cites evidence that interprofessional continuing education improves interprofessional practice competencies. UMB faculty and students, as well as community stakeholders, will be invited to participate in designing and participating in interprofessional learning activities. Ultimately, this project will position the SOM, SON, and SOP for joint accreditation and sustaining continuing interprofessional education. To learn more, please contact Dr. Franklin at 410-706-7630 or franklin@umaryland.edu.
The selection of the four grant recipient teams was based on an evaluation of proposals that met criteria in one of two categories for collaborative work:
- Interprofessional team-based care: Care delivered by intentionally created, usually relatively small work groups in health care, who are recognized by others as well as by themselves as having a collective identity and shared responsibility for a patient or group of patients.
- Interprofessional education: "When students from two or more professions learn about, from, and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes" (World Health Organization, 2010).
Teams consisting of faculty from two or more disciplines were required to propose projects that are practice or classroom focused, with educational and evaluative components employing the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: 2016 Update.
UMB launched the IPE center in 2013. Kirschling's co-directors are Heather Congdon, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, assistant dean for SOP at the Universities at Shady Grove, and David Mallott, MD, associate dean, medical education at SOM. The importance of interprofessional education is recognized in the University’s 2011-2016 Strategic Plan.
Heather Congdon
20 N Pine Street
Baltimore, MD 21201