2022-2024 Recipients
Training for Future IPE Care in Geriatrics Teams in Community-based Health Education and Wellness Clinics in Senior Housing Sites will receive $10,000 annually to sustain the initiative for two years. Contributing faculty and staff members are Daniel Mansour, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP, ASGF (SOP), Everett Smith Jr., LMSW (SSW), Barbara Zarowitz, PharmD, MSW, BCPS, BCGP, FASCP (SOP), Diane Martin, PhD (GRD), Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP, RN, FAAN, FAANP (SON), Kelly Doran, PhD, RN (SON), and Nicole Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, BCPP, FASCP (SOP). The University of Maryland Baltimore, Aging in Place program (UMB_APP) has been serving older adults residing in Maryland’s underserved/underrepresented communities since the 1980s. In the fall of 2015, the IPE Care in Geriatrics was developed to take the interdisciplinary education into a real work setting and provide team-based care to meet the needs of older adults living in high-rise senior housing 6 communities in West Baltimore and Baltimore City. In the Spring of 2019, IPE Care in geriatrics was established as a 3-credit graduate school course number CIPP 621 and housed at the school of pharmacy as PHMY 5011. This initiative was developed from a long history of interdisciplinary work in geriatrics that has focused on single intermittent programs in which students and faculty from multiple disciplines came together to use case-based approaches for teaching. The course focused on a clinical component for students in nursing (including the RN to BSN, MSN, CNL) and the practicum in leadership for DNP students, as an elective course for third year pharmacy students, a field placement for social work students, as a service learning site for first and second year medicine students and audiology students from University of Maryland College Park, and a place for trainees from various other schools to gain necessary exposure to geriatrics and gerontology such as from the Area Health Education Center (AHEC) scholars from the school of medicine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, lack of transportation, difficulty in coordination of care and other social determinants of health have negatively impacted the older adults in these communities. The goal of this initiative is to continue – with potential for expansion – our current health education programming and expand by providing elements of primary care such as the Medicare AWVs. A significant challenge that we hope to overcome with the sustainability support is the cost of coordination of students and faculty across all disciplines. The need for a designated coordinator becomes paramount given the negligibility of faculty support for the program. To learn more contact Dr. Mansour at dmansour@rx.umaryland.edu.
Preparing the Future HIV Educational Program will receive $10,000 annually to sustain the initative for two years. The cobtributing faculty member is Abby Plusen, MSSW (SOM). The University of Maryland’s interprofessional education program, Preparing the Future, not only dares to imagine a future without HIV, but goes a step further through the creation of scalable and system-wide interprofessional learning opportunities to equip students with the knowledge and implicit skills to be successful in engaging with today’s vulnerable patient populations. Through didactic, community engagement, and clinical learning opportunities, our model of diverse HIVspecific curricula teaches future healthcare professionals essential and transferrable competencies in areas ranging from trauma-informed care; to rapid HIV testing; to the impact of social determinants of health; to the role of legal care in improving health outcomes for patients; to LGBTQIA+ competency; to interprofessional collaboration in developing holistic patient care plans. Our educational model engages six disciplines (nursing, law, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and social work). Our program has a story to tell that includes the training of over 3000 students across our university system, the creation of discipline-specific HIV certificate programs, and that includes leveraging the diverse talents of an interprofessional educational team that is committed to restructuring the way that we train and prepare our students for patient care. To learn more contact Dr. Plusen at aplusen@som.umaryland.edu.
Language, Power, and Identity: the Baltimore Writing Center Project and Interprofessional Education Through the Learning and Teaching of Writing will receive $5,000 annually for two years to sustain the initiative. Contributing faculty and staff members are James Wright, MFA (GRD), Elaine Dougall, MA (UMBC), and David Kelly, MA (UBalt). The Baltimore Writing Center Project (BWCP) is a 9-month long, interprofessional learning program and concurrent IRB-approved research study. It responds to an urgent need for undergraduate and graduate students who serve as peer writing consultants in their respective university writing centers across the Baltimore metropolitan area to collaborate and network with one another across experience, expertise, academic disciplinary perspectives, and professional practice and training. The Project creates a virtual space in which participants can deliberate the interrelatedness of writing center and interprofessional work in response to multiple global crises, including (inter)national warfare, catastrophic diplomatic failures, ongoing pandemics, and climate disasters. In the context of these challenges, participants work with digital technologies, such as Wordpress, and with Baltimore community members, representatives of community organizations, as well as with writing center, academic, and industry professionals, to deliberate scholarship, conduct research, and develop projects intended for various and multiple public audiences. This work critically explores what it means to create, organize, and communicate knowledge and community while reeling from increasing social disparities, disruptions, and violences involving income, incarceration, food security, erosion of public trust in higher education and science, and rapid developments in surveillance technologies, just to name a few. At the core of these efforts is a single question: under these conditions, how do we strive for equity and justice in our writing centers and beyond? In response, the BWCP offers opportunities for participants to reflect on linguistic and cultural difference; to consider multiple ways of knowing and organizing knowledge across professions; to question their own and others’ assumptions about difference; to negotiate and problem-solve collaboratively across professional perspectives and practices; and to sustain sustain networks of mentorship, meaningful relationships, critical dialogue, research, and care that address the overall diminishing quality of our contemporary environment and human life. Tol learn more contact Mr. Wright at james.wright@umaryland.edu.