Human Subjects forms - upload in Compliance section as part of a compliance entry
Upload in Attachments section, Personnel tab:
Current and Pending Support — required for Mentored Career Development applications, provide for the Mentor and Co-Mentors only. See FOA and NIH application guide for instructions
Upload in Attachments section, Proposal tab; see NIH application guide for details on applicability:
Cover Letter — RRSF424_Cover_Letter: include application title and Funding Opportunity (PA or RFA) title of the NIH initiative. Follow the NIH application guide and FOA instructions.
- Required for Mentored Career Development applications — provide list of Referees (including name, departmental affiliation, and institution)
- Encouraged but not required for non-mentored Career Development applications. The cover letter should include a list of referees (including name, departmental affiliation, and institution).
- Required for LATE applications or for changed/corrected applications submitted after the due date — include specific information about the timing and nature of the cause of the delay. Related NIH policy information
- Required to explain any subaward budget components that are not active for all periods of the proposed grant
- Required to certify that any required approval of the application is included, such as approval for applications $500,000 or more. Include the official communication from an NIH official as part of your cover letter PDF
- Required when intending to submit a video as part of the application; the cover letter must include information about the intent to submit it. See section on "non-traditional application materials"
- Required if proposed studies will generate large-scale human or non-human genomic data
- DO NOT include assignment request information; all such requests MUST be transmitted using the Assignment Request Form (optional form)
Candidate’s Plan to Provide Mentoring — PHS_Career_Mentoring_Plan — Include only when required by the specific FOA, e.g., K24 and K05)
Plans and Statements of Mentor and Co-Mentor(s) — PHS_Career_Mentor_Statements_Letters — required for Mentored Career Development applications; see FOA and NIH application guide for instructions
Consortium/Contractual Arrangements — PHS_Career_Consortium_Contract — required for applications that include a subrecipient
Vertebrate Animals — PHS_Career_VertebrateAnimals — required if vertebrate animals are involved
Human Specimens and/or Data — PHS_HumanSubjectsAndCT_InvolveHumanSpecimensExp — required if there are NO human subjects, but you respond YES on the Questionnaire to the question: "Does the proposed research involve human specimens and/or data?" - review NIH guidance here and here.
Human Subjects, Other Requested Information — PHS_HumanSubjectsAndCT_OtherRequestedInfo — May be required you answered YES to ALL four questions in section 1.4 of the Human Subject Study Record. Content is limited to what is described in your FOA or in the NIH instructions. Do not use the "Other Requested Information" attachment to include any other information. If a specific file name is not given in the FOA, use a meaningful file name since it will become a bookmark in the assembled application image.
NOTE: To be clear, if you have a Compliance entry for Human Subjects, the only human subjects-related file uploaded on the Attachments tab would be the Other Requested Information attachment, and it is uploaded only if required by the FOA.
Select Agent Research — PHS_Career_SelectAgentResearch — required if applicable
Resource Sharing Plan(s) — PHS_Career_Resource_Sharing_Plan — required if applicable for sharing model organisms and/or research tools
Data Management and Sharing Plan — PHS_CareerDevelopmentAwardSupplement_Other_Plans — required if applicable (required for most career development proposals). DMS Plan information
Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources — PHSCareer_KeyBioAndOrChemResources — required if applicable
Introduction to Application — PHS_Career_IntroductionToApplication — required for RESUBMISSIONS only (an A1 application submitted within 37 months after the original submission)
Progress Report Publication List — PHS_Career_ProgressReport_PubList — required for RENEWAL applications only. “Renewal” applications are accepted only for a few K programs; check the specific FOA to determine whether Renewals are accepted.
Description of Candidate’s Contribution to Program Goals — PHS_Career_Candidate_Contribution — required for applicants to diversity-related FOAs (e.g., diversity-related K01 and diversity-related K22s)