The Kuali Research Subaward module contains information about subawards issued by UMB to collaborating organizations ("outgoing subawards").  Only SPA creates subaward records. Department users may view their subaward data and attachments, including the fully executed agreements (which are on the Financials tab).

To search for a Subaward: 

In Kuali Research, navigate to Common Tasks and select Search Subawards on the Subaward card.

Search by Quantum Award

In the Account ID field of the search window, enter the Quantum Award ID with an asterisk. The results should contain all subawards that were issued with either the Quantum Award ID or any related PID.

Search by KR Award

If you have the Kuali Research Award ID (in the format 123456-xxxxx), then the Award ID field in the search window is an option.  Enter the first six digits of the Award ID (e.g., 123456*). The results should contain all subawards that are associated with any year or child account related to that KR Award ID.