The Kuali Research validation tool is useful but does not replace the knowledge and skills of a research administrator.

To use the tool, select Data Validation from the top menu bar of your proposal. Click the "turn on" button. It can take some time for the system to complete the validation. Click "turn off validation" after you have fixed the errors and warnings. NOTE: When Data Validation is ON, the system is constantly validating, which makes response time slow. Keep Data Validation OFF while entering your proposal.

For System-to-System (S2S) submissions, discover and resolve errors by individually printing each form from the S2S Opportunity section, Forms tab, or from Summary/Submit. Perform this review step before you validate. To resolve errors, make sure that all Questionnaires are completed, all required Attachments have been uploaded, and each attachment has a unique file name with no special characters.

Validation Errors are "stops." These must be fixed prior to routing. Click the "Fix" button, and the system will take you to the tab where the error needs to be fixed.

Warnings are just that — the system will not stop submission. If you are unsure whether a warning must be fixed or may be ignored, check with your SPA team. Click the "Fix" button, and the system will take you to the section where the issue can be fixed. Errors are "stops" and must be fixed prior to routing. Most of these errors have to do with forms or attachments. If the "Fix" link takes you to the S2S section, the error is usually related to form attachments and/or Questionnaire responses.

  • Individually print each form from the S2S Opportunity, Forms tab or from Summary/Submit. To resolve any errors, make sure that all Questionnaires are completed, all required Attachments have been uploaded, and each attachment has a unique file name with no special characters.
  • Errors related to Key Personnel records can be harder to detect. Look for anomalies such as a blank Address Line 1 or an extra-long Department name. 
Tips and frequent errors

Incident report upon clicking "turn on validation" — If your proposal is a proposal, print each form to check for errors. Check and Fellowship Questionnaire responses. Ensure that each Attachment has a unique file name with no special characters. If your proposal is not a proposal and "turn on validation" generates an incident report, contact for review.

Forms Errors:  /GrantApplication/Forms/RR_SF424_2_0/SubmittedDate is not valid (and 21 additional RR_SF424_2_0 errors) — In the S2S Opportunity Search section, on the first tab (Opportunity), change the Submission Type to “Application” and Save. This action should clear the errors.

Submission Error ( {0} — This error seems related to having too many characters in a field. For example, on the Abstracts and Attachments tab, in the Description fields, use short descriptions (<20 characters)

Subrecipient Budget form error, "Subaward Budget has not been uploaded in the Budget Actions tab," when a form has been uploaded: — This error is generated when the wrong Subrecipient Budget form is used. Selecting a Subaward Budget Form

/GrantApplication/Forms/RR_KeyPersonExpanded_2_0/KeyPerson/Profile/DepartmentName is not valid — In most cases this means the unit name is too long for one of the Key Persons. Contact for review. If the unit is corrected, you will need to delete and re-add the person on the Key Personnel page to resolve the error.