Cindy Schaeffer, PhD
Dr. Schaeffer is a child clinical psychologist and researcher who specializes in issues related to adolescent and young adult development. In particular, Schaeffer’s work helps parents prevent teens from engaging in risky and problematic behaviors, such as substance use, school disengagement, and delinquency, or to intervene effectively early if those problems are already occurring.
Schaeffer draws from the latest scientific research about why teens exhibit these problems to craft comprehensive, family-based solutions that are culturally appropriate and individualized to unique teen and family circumstances. Her intervention approaches incorporate teen and family strengths, parent management and family therapy techniques, and creative solutions to address peer, school, and community. She also has expertise in how teens and families can use technology effectively, such as limiting screen time and social media influences and incorporating mobile phone app supports. Schaeffer is the developer of iKinnect, a linked parent-teen mobile phone app system to support family goals for positive teen behavior.