The Middle States Self-Study Logistics Team was charged with the following roles and responsibilities:

  • To prepare for the establishment of the Self-Study Steering Committee by organizing, archiving, and synthesizing relevant documents.
  • To support the Self-Study Steering Committee by having in-depth knowledge of two Middle States publications that are invaluable guides to the process and expectations:

1) Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education
2) Self-Study: Creating a Useful Process and Report

  • To support the Self-Study Steering Committee in the coordination of self-study activities.
  • To support the Self-Study Steering Committee in campus communication and promotion of the accreditation process to the UMB community including a self-study website.
  • To support the Self-Study Steering Committee in report drafting, editing, and organization.
  • To prepare for Middle States evaluator visits by arranging lodging and meals, transportation for team members, clerical support, and meeting agendas.

Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)

  • Roger Ward, EdD, JD, MPA
    Chief Accountability Officer
    Vice President for Operations and Planning
    Vice Dean, Graduate School

Logistic Team Members

  • Flavius Lilly, PhD, MA, MPH
    Vice Provost, Academic & Student Affairs
    Vice Dean, Graduate School

  • Clancy Clawson, MS
    Associate Director, Writing Center

  • Jenny Owens, ScD, MS
    Director, Academic and Student Affairs

  • Malinda Hughes, BSN, MA
    Academic Program Manager, Academic Affairs

  • Tricia O'Neill, JD
    Assistant Vice President, Office of the Vice President and Chief Accountability Officer

  • Karen Matthews, MPA
    Director, Planning and Program Development

  • Robin Klein, MSLS
    Research and Assessment Librarian, HS/HSL

  • Laura Kozak, MA
    Assistant Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs

  • Gregory Spengler, MPA
    Assistant Vice President, Institutional Research and Accountability

The Self-Study Logistics Team began meeting August 2013 and meets weekly on Tuesdays at 11 a.m at 620 W. Lexington St. in Room 02-110.