The Middle States Self-Study Logistics Team was charged with the following roles and responsibilities:
- To prepare for the establishment of the Self-Study Steering Committee by organizing, archiving, and synthesizing relevant documents.
- To support the Self-Study Steering Committee by having in-depth knowledge of two Middle States publications that are invaluable guides to the process and expectations:
1) Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education
2) Self-Study: Creating a Useful Process and Report
- To support the Self-Study Steering Committee in the coordination of self-study activities.
- To support the Self-Study Steering Committee in campus communication and promotion of the accreditation process to the UMB community including a self-study website.
- To support the Self-Study Steering Committee in report drafting, editing, and organization.
- To prepare for Middle States evaluator visits by arranging lodging and meals, transportation for team members, clerical support, and meeting agendas.