As noted in the USM Guidelines for Policies and Procedures Relating to Allegations of Misconduct in Scholarly Work, “The inherent requirement for integrity in the quest for knowledge and in the creation of scholarly and artistic works is fundamental to the academic purpose. Deviations from the proper conduct of scholarly work erode the public's confidence in scholarship and in institutions of higher education,” (Section III – 1.10 – 1)

The Research Integrity Office serves UMB by providing education/training and investigative services to the campus community on Research Integrity, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), and Research Misconduct.

Research Integrity and RCR

Guidance and resources concerning Research Integrity and RCR including specific requirements and information for Faculty, Staff, Students, and Post Docs.

Research Integrity - RCR

Research Misconduct

Guidance on UMB, NIH, NSF, and other policies concerning misconduct; what constitutes misconduct; and how allegations of misconduct are handled.

Research Misconduct 

Upcoming Events

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Presenters: Dr. Sarah Archibald and Dr. Stephan Vigues

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