OAC's Outreach Program is committed to supporting our community, increasing community knowledge and involvement, to contribute to a culture of compliance and accountability. OAC participates in campus events to provide informational resources and introduce OAC’s programs and services to the community. OAC seeks, through open and ongoing communication, information, resources, and participation, to be a collaborative and accessible partner to all members of UMB.

If you would like an OAC representative to attend or present at your event or to a group/program, please use this request form and one of our experts will be happy to help.

  • Other Programs


    The program, sponsored in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, provides high school students and young adults meaningful summer employment experiences throughout Baltimore.

    Click for more information and forms



    Project Search

    Through a continuing partnership among UMB, the Arc Baltimore, the Baltimore City Public School System, and the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), Project SEARCH is a model in workforce and career development for adults and students with disabilities.

    Click for more information

  • Past Sponsored Events

    Ethics Week - 2019

    Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week was Nov. 4-9, 2019! During this time the Office of Accountability and Compliance (OAC) took the opportunity to raise awareness on our collective efforts to be accountable, to recognize those champions of ethics within UMB, and to reinforce the importance of compliance across our community.

    Click to learn more and view 2019 activities



    Ethics Week - 2018

    Corporate Compliance & Ethics Week was Nov. 4-10, 2018! During this time the OAC took the opportunity to raise awareness on UMB efforts to be accountable, to recognize champions of ethics within UMB, and to reinforce the importance of compliance across our community.

    Click to learn more and view 2018 activities