The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is committed to protecting the safety and welfare of children who come into contact with the institution community.
Under Maryland law, there are mandatory reporting requirements for individuals who suspect child abuse or neglect. University System of Maryland policy (USM Board of Regents VI-1.50 – Policy on the Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect) provides guidance regarding the application of the Maryland law to USM institutions. UMB's procedures (UMB VI-1.50(A) Procedures for Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect) outline the reporting procedures that faculty, staff, students and others must follow.
Under these laws and policies, all members of the campus community who have reason to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred must report promptly to the appropriate Child Protective Services agency (CPS Phone List) or law enforcement authorities via 911. In addition, UMB must be informed of the report under certain circumstances, see UMB policy VI-150(A). If required, submit the Follow-up written report to within 48 hours.
President Bruce Jarrrell, MD, has designated Dr. Susan C. Buskirk, Chief Accountability Officer, to receive such reports of suspected child abuse or neglect from employees, students, and others at the institution. Dr. Buskirk can provide hard copies of these materials and is available to address questions. You can reach him using the contact information below.
Susan C. Buskirk, DM, MS, CCEP
Chief Accountability Officer
Vice President
University of Maryland, Baltimore
620 W. Lexington St., Room 5122-B
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-706-2281
Any individual who in good faith makes or participates in making a report of suspected child abuse or neglect is immune from civil liability or criminal prosecution and is protected from any institution reprisal that might otherwise result from compliance with the reporting laws or policies. Any employee who fails to report suspected child abuse or neglect in violation of USM and UMB policies or procedures may face discipline.