To obtain a One Card, you must have a record created in the Campus Directory that will then be passed into the One Card system. There are several types of records that are created and entered. Faculty and Staff records are entered through HR (Human Resources) by the onboarding process, and Affiliates (i.e., hospital employees, contractors, vendors, visiting persons, and everyone else in need of a One Card) require sponsorship by a specific UMB department with the ability to enter the record; contact the help desk for that information (410-706-HELP) . Students get a record when they are registered for classes. The One Card office has no role in entering, deactivating, or activating any records; all questions concerning records should be directed to the help desk (410-706-HELP) as they administer that process. All door access is administered by the UMB Police Department (410-706-6882). We hope this information was helpful, and more of it is just a click away on this website.
Are you a new student or employee? Before we can issue you a One Card, you must meet the following criteria:
You must be a registered student or a new hire employee so we can attach your photo to your record. Students, If you have questions about your registration, please check with the Office of the Registrar.
New students and employees are required to submit photos by completing the Online Photo Submission form.
Allow 24 hours after registering for classes to ensure your record is in the One Card system.
Have a valid government driver's license, passport, or other photo ID for verification of identity.
Student Orientations
Throughout the University, individual schools usually schedule a student orientation in the fall and the spring. During these orientations, your school will schedule a time to acquire a One Card.