Adding Stored Value on Student One Card Debit Accounts By Schools and Other Units

Effective: April 1, 2012
Policy Applies To:  All students and faculty and staff
Policy Number: 0001
Functional Area of the VP-In-Charge: Office of The Provost, Division of Student Affairs

Purpose: To establish procedures and guidelines for schools and other units to add stored value on student One Card debit accounts.

Policy Statement: The primary purpose of the One Card debit account system is to offer students, faculty, and staff a secure and easy way to make purchases with the use of their One Card campus ID. Schools or other units may only add stored value to student accounts for reimbursement of incurred expenses during the academic year related to a student’s academic program (e.g., printing and copying costs).

Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Requests by schools or units for adding stored value to a student’s debit account must be approved by the dean or their designee and must state the intended expense reimbursement to the student(s). Please complete and submit attached .
  • Requests will be reviewed in the Office of The Provost, Division of Student Affairs, and, as needed, the Office of Financial Services, the Office of Financial Education and Assistance, and the Office of University Counsel will be consulted to ensure compliance with University, System, and regulatory requirements.
  • Only the Senior Vice President and Chief Academic and Research Officer or their designee may approve the adding of stored value by a school or unit through the One Card office.