Deemed Export Review: U.S. export controls apply to disclosures to foreign nationals within the United States. UMB's foreign national employees and campus visitors are routinely reviewed.

Form I-129 Visa Petition: For H-1B, H1-B1, L-1, and O-1A visa classifications, UMB must complete a certification of export licensing requirements.

International Subrecipients: Subawards issued to international collaborators are reviewed for potential export control concerns.

International Travel: Review these basic questions before you travel internationally to determine whether any country embargoes or other sanctions or controls apply.

International Visitors: Inviting a trainee, colleague, or speaker from across the border? A deemed export review should be conducted and a visitor agreement may be required.

Licenses and Authorizations: If a license or authorization is required, how do we proceed?

Restricted Party Screening: The U.S. government restricts or prohibits U.S. individuals and entities from exporting and other transactions to any party contained in U.S. government export denial, debarment, and blocked persons lists.

Contact the Export Compliance Team

Questions? Hypotheticals? Contact the Export Officer to discuss an issue or arrange for training.