Investigators at UMB seek and receive funding for a variety of large and small projects: research, clinical services, education, and more. Find sponsored programs guidance and investigator support in this array of resources.
Investigator Toolkit
Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources: Listing of core facilities and research support.
Communication: Articles about communicating as researchers and scientists.
Data Management and Sharing Plan (NIH): How to comply with the NIH policy
Data Security: UMB's Secure Research Environment
Faculty Profiles: Explore the University's wide-ranging expertise and find potential collaborators by searching these sites and directories.
File an Invention Disclosure: Advice and resources for UMB inventors and entrepreneurs.
Find Funding Opportunities: Resources to facilitate the search for potential funding opportunities.
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests: Guidance for response to notification regarding FOIA.
Export Controls: Procedures and awareness education slides
International Collaborations: Guidance for planning global projects and collaborating with international colleagues.
New to UMB: Information to help investigators navigate sponsored programs at UMB.
Principal Investigator Quick Reference: A guide to Principal Investigator's responsibilities for proposal, performance, reporting, and stewardship of grants and awards.
Proposal Writing Resources: Links to tips and tutorials from the National Institutes of Health and other sources.
Proposal Review: NIH, NSF, and HRSA review processes, and general tips related to review and response.
Research Oversight: Offices and policies that help investigators comply with the terms of award.
SciENcv: Researchers can use SciENcv to create and maintain biosketches that are submitted with grant applications.
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Fourth Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201