Tips for Writing Your Proposal
Use these tips and tutorials to help you organize and write your grant proposal.
From the National Institutes of Health (NIH):
- Planning Your Application
- Writing Your Application
- FAQs
- NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) proposal writing resources
- Sample proposals
- Podcast: Considerations for a Research Plan
NIH Rigor and Transparency requirements
NIH Continuous Submission eligibility and instructions
Create a Strong Multiple PI Leadership Plan (NIAID)
Are You On the Fence About Whether to Resubmit?
Online learning module on the Vertebrate Animals Section in NIH grant applications
Video: Writing an effective "K" application - from NIH, this video is designed for junior investigators and those who assist in the preparation of the scientific portions of an application. The video provides preparation pointers, describes how to avoid the most common mistakes, and responds to some typical misconceptions about the review process.
From Other Sources
When is ‘self-plagiarism’ OK? New guidelines offer researchers rules for recycling text, Science (6/25/2021)
NOT-HS-21-016: Notice of Updated AHRQ Policy for Late Application Submission for Active Peer Review or National Advisory Council Service
On Grant-Writing: Just What Are Your Project’s ‘Specific Aims’?, The Chronicle of Higher Education (4/12/2021)
Guidelines for reporting animal research: The ARRIVE Guidelines 2.0, PLOS Biology (7/14/2020)
National Science Foundation: A Guide for Proposal Writing
10 Common Grant-Writing Mistakes, The Chronicle of Higher Education (1/4/2018)
U.S. General Services Administration, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance: Developing and Writing Grant Proposals