Nixel Alert imageParking and Transportation Services  has implemented a new traffic/garage text alerts system to inform the UMB  community of traffic conditions. These notifications would affect immediate travel to and from campus for faculty, staff, students, and anyone who frequents campus. The alerts also will inform the UMB community of any urgent operational incidents regarding our garage facilities.

Alerts will be sent between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Enrollment and Cancellation

  • To enroll, send the text message "UMBTransport” to 888777. You will receive two texts, one welcoming you to the service and another identifying that the alerts will be from UMB Parking and Transportation.
  • If, at any time, you decide you want to stop receiving text message alerts and advisories, simply text the word "STOP” to 888777. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Parking and Transportation office.