UMB faculty and staff parkers have a lot of options. Check this section for rules, regulations, and ADA accommodations.
Faculty and Staff Parking
Update Parking Information
Did you get a new car? Do you drive a second vehicle? Has your personal information changed?
Have an electric car? Please see parking information for Electric Vehicles.
Want to know more about low-emissions parking? Please see more about Low Emissions Vehicles.
Learn how to save money by carpooling.
Rules and Regulations
Permit holders must park in assigned garage on weekdays prior to 4 p.m.
After 4 p.m., permit holders may park in any open University garage.
Make sure to remove your vehicle by 9 a.m. the following day, or you will be charged a visitor rate upon exit.
No refunds will be given.
Permit holders may park in any open garage on the weekends, but you must remove your vehicle by 9 a.m. Monday morning, or you will be charged the visitor rate upon exit.
No refunds will be given. Garages are not vehicle storage facilities.
For more information, see Parking Rules and Regulations.
AVI Hangtag Users
It has come to our attention that Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) items such as Maryland EZ Pass toll transponders and/or other non-UMB AVI hangtags may cause garage access issues. If you are experiencing issues with garage access and have a Maryland or another states EZ Pass transponder or a non-UMB AVI hangtag, please remove these from the front of your windshield when entering and exiting the garages. If you need further assistance, please email
ADA Parking Accommodations
Faculty and staff requiring specific ADA parking accommodations must be approved through Campus Health. Employees will need to apply for parking, and employee monthly and part-time faculty parkers must receive a parking assignment through their parking liaison. Parking and Transportation Services must receive approval from Campus Health and a parking allocation from the parking liaison before allowing full-time or temporary ADA parking closest to your school of work. Once approved, parker may complete an ADA application at this link:
ADA Application
Please note that the Lexington Market parking program is not part of the ADA parking accommodation program.
Please have your physician fax your medical record information to the Campus Health nurse, Florine Brissett, at 410-685-1962 or 667-214-1829
If you have any questions, please notify Parking and Transportation Services at 410-706-5518 before proceeding.
Cashier Services/General Inquiries - SMC Campus Center
621 W. Lombard St.
Lower Level, Room 002D
Baltimore, MD 21201
Hours of operation for both the Cashier Services and Administration Offices are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Flat tire, dead battery, or locked out? Call 410-706-4260