The benefits of carpooling are clear — it saves money, reduces wear and tear on cars, and lowers carbon emissions! Check out what the Office of Parking and Transportation Services has to offer.
Coming Soon, New Carpool Program early 2025!
- Carpool at least four times a week
- Share one physical parking permit with a designated driver (participants may share driving responsibilities)
- Carpools should be composed of two or more riders
- Must participate in payroll deduction at UMB and park in a UMB garage facility
- Can only include employees of the University of Maryland, Baltimore
All participants in the carpool must return their parking permits to the Cashier's Office at the SMC Campus Center, in order for the designated driver to receive the carpool permit.
Submit a completed application to PTS.
- Once the application is received, an appointment link will be sent to the email address provided on the form.
- Access to limited CarPool parking spaces at designated garages
- Reduces carbon footprint
- Reduces traffic congestion
- Reduces stress of driving
- Improves overall quality of life
A carpool should not include a car owner and non-car owner. The purpose of the program is to reduce the number of cars on the road and traffic congestion.
Changing Members of the Carpool
New members may be added to the group at any time.
An individual may opt out of a carpool program my coordinating with the main designated driver. To obtain new parking, the participant opting out will need to contact the department liaison and might be put on a waiting list.
The carpool group will have one week to replace the participant or relinquish their carpool permit.
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