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What Is the Clery Act? | What Is a Clery Crime? | What Is Clery Geography? | What Is a CSA?
Other important Clery links:
UMB Clery Reports | Report a Clery Crime | Campus Safety and Security
Jump to the following section:
What Is the Clery Act? | What Is a Clery Crime? | What Is Clery Geography? | What Is a CSA?
Other important Clery links:
UMB Clery Reports | Report a Clery Crime | Campus Safety and Security
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act, is a federal consumer protection law that requires all colleges and universities to provide transparent information about crime policies and statistics that occur on or near campus.
Each year, the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) publishes an Annual Clery Report with three years worth of information, including crime statistics, security measures, the UMB Police and Public Safety Department’s law enforcement authority, where students should go to report crimes, crime prevention programs, and resources for students and employees. This report is published by Oct. 1 and is sent to all members of the UMB community by email as a letter from the Chief of Police. Prospective students can view the report online or get a hard copy from Pine Street Police Station at 214 N. Pine St.
UMB policies for students and prospective students regarding campus security, alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and more can be found here. The employee handbook can be found here.
Any of the above mentioned offenses, and any incidents of:
Criminal Offenses
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action
Hate Crimes
A hate crime is a criminal offense that manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim.
Although there are many possible categories of bias, under the Clery Act, the eight categories that are required to be reported as hate crimes include race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, and disability.
The Clery Act requires institutions collect crime statistics for hate crimes associated with either the commission of a primary crime or the lesser offenses of larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, destruction of or vandalism of a building or property. The aforementioned lesser offenses are included in Clery Act statistics only if they are hate crimes.
A campus security authority (CSA) includes UMB Police and Public Safety police officers and security officers, as well as any UMB official with a significant responsibility for student and campus activities. The Clery Coordinator identifies and notifies UMB officials who are CSAs and provides them with CSA training.
By law, CSAs are required to report Clery crimes that are disclosed to them using the Clery Incident Report Form.* However, the victim or witness can remain anonymous in these reports.
Reporting a Clery crime ensures accurate crime statistics, crime awareness, and campus safety. This data is used to increase public safety, not to identify the victim if they wish to remain anonymous.
*Certain individuals, specifically pastoral and professional counselors, are exempted from the requirement to report certain crimes. However, the counselor must be acting in their official role when the offense is disclosed in order for it to be exempted.
214 N. Pine St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergencies: 410-706-6882
Safe Walk/Safe Ride: 410-706-6882
TTD/TTY: 410-706-3416
The University of Maryland, Baltimore is the founding campus of the University System of Maryland.
620 W. Lexington St., Baltimore, MD
21201 | 410-706-3100