2023 Clery Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Dear UMB Community:
I am pleased to present to you our 2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Our commitment to transparency and accountability begins here — our annual report that includes crime data, crime and sexual misconduct prevention resources, fire safety information, and much more.
This year, we experienced a small single-digit increase in some crimes that occurred at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). UMB Police and Public Safety uses data-driven, community-oriented policing strategies to increase visibility and prevent crime. We collaborate with the University of Maryland School of Social Work to identify root causes of crime and provide case management and resources to those in need.
UMB remains one of the safest areas in downtown Baltimore. When we look at crime trends since 2019 (before COVID-19 lowered on-campus density), we see large decreases in crime, including a significant percent decrease in robberies, 50 percent decrease in burglaries, and 50 percent decrease in motor thefts. Even as crime increases across the country, crime on UMB's campus remains extremely low. However, let me be clear: No one should ever be the victim of crime. We are committed to the safety of every student, employee, and visitor who comes to UMB.
Please take a few minutes to review this report and the many resources, training, and tips inside. More public safety information can be found at umaryland.edu/police.
While this report is required for every university that receives federal student financial aid, our team at UMB has spent the past year revitalizing this document to be more user-friendly. I want to extend my thanks to the UMB Office of Communications and Public Affairs for its support in designing, editing, and producing this report.
Thomas Leone, MSL
Assistant Vice President for Public Safety and Chief of Police