Need to Dispose of Unwanted Furniture/Equipment? Don’t Move It Yourself!
Moving furniture and equipment has resulted in personal injuries, property damage from hitting building components (lights, sprinklers, walls, etc.), and can obstruct emergency exits if left in the corridor, stairwell, or on the loading dock. Submit a work request to have Environmental Health and Safety/Operations and Maintenance remove the items. To dispose of items with an asset tag, you must first complete the asset removal form.
Keep Office and Lab Doors Closed When Unoccupied
Closing (and locking) your office and lab doors is important for the security of your research materials and personal belongings. Closed doors also act as a barrier to slow the spread of fire and protect room contents. Keep lab doors closed, even when occupied, to maintain negative directional airflow from the corridor to the lab (so lab air does not move into the public corridors). This also prevents others from walking in when you are working with potential hazards such as radioactive hazards, lasers, lentiviruses, certain chemicals, and live animals.
If your doors do not close properly or you are propping your doors open due to ventilation concerns, submit a work order with Operations and Maintenance. Report any theft or suspicious activity to UMBPD at 410-706-6882.