May 14, 2021
Dear UMB Community:
Last month, you received a letter about a crime that occurred at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). I don’t enjoy sending these messages, but I am committed to ensuring that our department is transparent and that we provide the critical information you need to stay safe.
Emergency messages are also sent through UMB Alerts. Take a moment to sign up – it’s quick and easy. Already enrolled? Make sure your information is current so you receive these rare but important messages. Visit to learn more.
Thomas Leone
UMB Interim Chief of Police
Safety Tip of the Month
Never leave your valuables unattended, even for a minute! Asking a helpful stranger to watch your property isn’t the best option; they may get distracted or need to leave before you return. Computers and phones are small, easy, and valuable items for a thief to grab. Don’t give them the opportunity. Take your property with you – it’s the best way to ensure your valuables are safe!
Have a bike on campus? Don’t forget to lock it up! Bike racks and bike fix-it stations are located across campus. Learn more.
SWCOS and UMBPD Collaboration
Social Work Community Outreach Service (SWCOS) students will join the UMB Police Department (UMBPD) this fall to provide additional resources and help to improve community-university partnerships. Learn more. 
Sign Up Now for the Pop-Up Pantry Delivery Service: May 22, noon to 3 p.m. 
UMBPD will join the Intercultural Center for Pop-Up Pantry delivery service Saturday, May 22, from noon to 3 p.m. Sign up to receive a 30-pound box of shelf-stable groceries delivered to your door. Learn more and sign up.
Active Shooter Training
UMB police officers undergo robust training requirements to ensure readiness for any scenario. Beginning April 30, UMBPD began conducting weekly active shooter/active assailant trainings, including rescue task force and stop the bleed. See photos from training.
Safe Ride Update
On March 1, UMBPD’s Safe Ride service resumed. Last month, we provided 424 Safe Rides (from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m.) and 64 discounted rides through Lyft Ride Smart at UMB (24/7). This month, we added an additional Safe Ride van to our fleet. You can request a Safe Ride through the UMB Mobile App. Learn how
Kudos for Our Cops (recognizing excellent customer service in our community)
On April 23, PFC Brandon Williams responded to a call for a distressed patient at the University of Maryland Medical Center. When he arrived, Williams built rapport with the patient, determined why he was upset, and provided him with resources to get the help he needed. “PFC Williams’ calm demeanor and professionalism quickly calmed the person and resolved the issue,” said Sgt. Kelli Blackwell. All UMBPD officers go through extensive de-escalation training each year, which includes building and maintaining public trust, transparency, ethics, and reducing uses of force.
UMB Provides Vaccines to Native American Community
Approximately 65,000 Native Americans live in the Washington, D.C./Maryland/Virginia area. UMB is partnering with the Indian Health Service to remove barriers and provide access to COVID-19 vaccines. Learn more.
SMC Vaccination Clinic Now Open for All 
The UMB COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at the SMC Campus Center is now approved to provide vaccines for anyone, regardless of whether they live, work, or learn in Baltimore City. Learn more 
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
More than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside a hospital in the United States each year. Taking proper steps quickly can help save someone’s life if they’re in cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest may be reversed if CPR is performed and a defibrillator shocks the heart and restores a normal heart rhythm within a few minutes. Learn more about UMB’s CPR/AED Program and find your nearest AED.
Controlled Substances (CS)
Researchers, registrants, and other authorized users of CS (as defined by the Drug Enforcement Administration Diversion Control Division and Controlled Substances Act) must comply with federal and state standards. In addition to proper registration and safe use practices, effective security is important to deter diversion and reduce access for unauthorized users. This includes: 
  • Securely storing all CS in an approved lockbox in your registered location and strictly managing access to locations and keys
  • Maintaining an accurate inventory and records of purchase, use, transfer, and disposal
  •  Keeping lab and office doors closed and locked when not occupied
  •  Promptly reporting any thefts or losses to UMBPD (410-706-6882) and EHS (410-706-8212).
Please visit for more information
about the UMB Police Department.