Christopher Clark
Security Officer Christopher Clark has worked for the University of Maryland, Baltimore Police Department (UMBPD) for six years. As a Safe Ride driver, he always wants to provide excellent customer service to the UMB and UMMC communities.
"Providing excellent customer service and a sense of security to the UMB and UMMC communities is my favorite part of being a driver," says Clark. He says it's important to request a Safe Ride because it's the safest way to get to your destination safely.
"If you've never taken a Safe Ride before, just know that it's a safe alternative to get from home to work or from work to home," Clark says. "It's a great alternative to Uber and Lyft. And if I'm their Safe Ride driver, they can expect quality customer service across the board."
In his spare time, Clark likes to write poetry and is an avid sports fan.