Sheila Johnson
![Sheila Johnson](/media/umb/public-safety/officer-spotlight/SJohnson_bio.png)
Security Officer Sheila Johnson has been working at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Police Department (UMBPD) for 32 years.
"I enjoy being a Safe Ride driver because it allows me to be more visible on campus," says Johnson. "I like to be of assistance to the UMB community."
During her time at UMB, Johnson has experienced almost every security officer role and responsibility. "This is another chance for me to enjoy what I do!" she says. Johnson also says she likes driving the big Safe Ride van because she's so short.
Johnson encourages every member of the UMB community to take a Safe Ride. "First of all, it's safe. Second, no one needs to walk, especially at night, when we offer a service that everyone can use."