From my family to you and yours, we wish you a joyful holiday season!  I hope you take some time to enjoy what makes the holidays special for you. I enjoy spending time with my family resting, recharging, and creating new memories. You can see a project we worked on together in this year's holiday greeting video above.  Have a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for being such an important part of what makes UMB great! — Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, President, University of Maryland, Baltimore



  • Alumni Speakers Series



    Learn about alumni events, news, and more. 


  • Letters to the Community


    Letters to the Community

    This is a collection of emails and messages sent out to the UMB community.

  • The president delivering a speech.


    President's Message

    Every month, the president highlights people, events, and news from the UMB community and beyond. 

Upcoming Events

  • Core Values

    “At the University of Maryland, Baltimore, our core values demonstrate what we stand for and serve as a guide to how we behave.”

     President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS

  • Past Presidents

    UMB has a long history of impactful leaders and presidents.