Maryland Charity Campaign
Dear Colleagues:
The generous spirit of the UMB community never ceases to amaze me so I’m confident when I predict another admirable showing in this year’s Maryland Charity Campaign (MCC).
The campaign, which collects funds from state employees throughout Maryland for hundreds of worthy charitable organizations, begins Oct. 20 and will run through Dec. 15.
With the ability to donate online or use a paper pledge, either through payroll deduction or a one-time gift, giving through MCC could not be easier. It provides each of us an opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of those in need through more than 930 MCC-supported charities that help to keep families stable, advance research, save animals, keep our environment clean, and fill so many other important gaps.
For years, UMB faculty and staff have generously contributed and several times UMB has won the Governor’s Cup for leading all state agencies in MCC contributions. Last year we raised $331,000.
Campaign chair Bill Crockett, MS, RCRSP, executive director of Campus Life Services, and I hope to eclipse that figure this year with a goal of $340,000. But we can’t do it without your help.
Please take the time to browse through MCC’s charities and find one whose mission touches your heart. Then pledge online or fill out a pledge card or write a check and give it to your campaign coordinator. Visit Maryland Charity Campaign today to browse the charities and learn about the campaign. For instance, those wishing to donate to the UMB Foundation can use agency code 5384. If you have any questions, contact your area coordinator or Mr. Crockett at
Thank you for your contribution and for bringing hope to so many Marylanders in need.
Jay A. Perman, MD