Preparing for the Porter Verdict
To the UMB Community:
As we anticipate a verdict this week in the case of William G. Porter, the first officer to be tried in the death of Freddie Gray, we’re working closely with the Baltimore Police Department and with state agencies to assure the safety of the UMB community and to plan for potential disruptions to traffic flow.
All traffic- and schedule-related advisories will be shared with you through UMB Alerts. I urge you to ensure that your mobile devices are registered with the alerts system, so that you receive notifications as soon as they're issued.
It's always advisable to be familiar with alternate traffic routes to and from UMB should significant delays affect your normal route. Parking and Transportation Services answers frequently asked questions regarding parking and shuttle services during emergencies. If you commute using public transportation, please consult these resources.
I thank our UMB Police and our Emergency Management Team for their very hard work in recent weeks to ensure that we remain safe, prepared, and informed throughout the trial of Officer Porter and the trials yet to come.
I will continue to communicate with you as circumstances warrant, and I thank you for your vigilance on and around campus to help secure your own safety, as well as that of your colleagues and classmates and the community at large.
Jay A. Perman, MD