UMB Status on Tuesday
Dear Colleagues:
Nearly two days after the snow stopped falling, our city is reemerging, and the side streets and sidewalks are gradually being readied for the return of normal activity. I hope everyone has been able to stay safe and dig themselves out. The University certainly owes a debt of gratitude to our own Facilities Department crews who have worked throughout the storm to clear away a great deal of the snow.
Tomorrow, the University will open at 10 a.m. Although the streets through and around campus are largely clear, we expect some melting ice and snow will refreeze overnight. A delayed opening will give our crews a little more time to treat icy spots on sidewalks and make them even safer.
Mindful that some of us live in remote areas, or in neighborhoods that have not yet been plowed, I am declaring Liberal Leave to be in effect for Tuesday. All employees designated as "non-essential" may take accrued annual, holiday, personal, or compensatory leave, or leave without pay. Please follow your supervisor's guidelines for notifying your department.
If you are coming to campus Tuesday, be aware that travel may be slower than usual and plan accordingly. UM Shuttle service will not operate Tuesday, and at this writing, the city's light rail service is suspended. Also, parking spaces in some open-air lots may be unavailable due to uncleared snow. If you cannot park in your normal lot, you may park in any open UMB garage. Simply display your hang tag and use your One Card to enter the garage.
If new information becomes available about transportation, parking, or any other issues affecting University operations, we will share it through the UMB Alerts web page.
Jay A. Perman, MD