COVID-19 Testing for Employees and Students Returning to Campus
Dear UMB Community,
As you may have seen, the University System of Maryland (USM) issued a statement on COVID-19 testing and symptom monitoring for students and employees returning in Fall 2020. The statement makes COVID-19 testing mandatory for all USM on-campus students and employees, and states that they should follow the testing guidance issued by their institution. UMB is in the process of developing specific guidance, but I wanted to share as much as we know right now about the general parameters of the USM statement as it applies to UMB.
My decision to continue mandatory telework until there is a significant change in the pandemic limits the number of students and employees affected by this policy. Employees already working on campus should continue to report to work as scheduled unless experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. On-campus employees should make arrangements to be tested for COVID-19 as soon as practical and should continue to use SAFE on Campus or other symptom monitoring process communicated by the employee's supervisor in the coming days.
Any student or employee returning for the first time to UMB’s campus August 17th or later must be tested for COVID-19 within 14 days prior to arrival on-campus and provide confirmation of a negative COVID-19 test prior to starting in-person classes, educational activities, or working on campus. This does not apply to students going solely to clinical sites. Students currently in the process of moving into UMB housing in Fayette Square Apartments and Pascault Row or currently approved to be on campus can continue to do so as long as they do not have COVID-19 symptoms. Students already on campus or arriving prior to August 17, should make arrangements to be tested for COVID-19 as soon as practical. More details will be provided by your school in coming days.
At UMB we have already instituted symptom monitoring through the Symptom Assessment For Employees (SAFE) on Campus program that will be expanded soon. SAFE on Campus is a UMB COVID-19 tracking system for symptom monitoring.
Information about testing locations is below:
- Students and employees in the Baltimore area can schedule a COVID-19 test at the Baltimore Convention Center Field Hospital. Make an appointment here.
- Information on testing locations in the state of Maryland can be found here.
- Students and employees living outside of Maryland should visit their state health department’s website for information on COVID-19 testing available in their state. A link to each state’s health department can be found here.
As always, if you are not feeling well, we ask that you do not come to campus. Students who test positive for COVID-19 should seek medical advice from their health care provider and also contact the UMB Student Health Center at 667-214-1899 to discuss their test result. Employees who have been approved to be on campus and test positive should also seek medical advice from their health care provider and must contact the UMB COVID-19 Hotline at 800-701-9863.
UMB will continue to post information on the COVID-19 Recovery page including frequently asked questions. I thank you in advance for your compliance with the testing requirements. Our goal is to keep you safe and healthy.
Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS
Interim President