UMB Updated Face Covering Policy
Dear UMB Community:
We know that face coverings are an essential component to controlling the spread of COVID-19. We want to do everything possible to minimize risk of spread of the virus among University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) students, faculty, staff, and the community. To that end, I am sharing the UMB Policy Requiring Use of Face Coverings that supersedes the guidance issued April 6.
Non-medical-grade face coverings, which fully cover your nose and mouth, must be worn at all times while on UMB's campus or at an off-campus location occupied by UMB community members. This policy applies to students, faculty, and staff; campus visitors, volunteers, clients and patient; and campus contractors. Employees and students who are non-compliant will receive a warning, reprimand, or other appropriate disciplinary action. All non-UMB persons who do not comply with this policy may be asked to leave the campus.
Masks are not a substitute for physical distance, but should be used along with staying at least 6 feet apart whenever possible. At UMB, a face covering is required unless you are:
- Performing a health care activity with a medical-grade mask;
- Inside a personal automobile, with the windows closed;
- Inside a single-occupancy office, laboratory, or study area, with the door closed;
- Inside your student apartment, with the door closed;
- Eating or drinking. Six feet of physical distancing must be maintained between people who are eating or drinking because it requires removing the face covering.
- Faculty or staff delivering in-person lectures or presentations may wear a face shield instead of a face covering, provided that at least 10 feet of physical distance can be maintained between the faculty member or presenter and the students or other audience.
- Personnel performing work activities outdoors may remove their face covering outdoors except when interacting with others or when unable to maintain physical distance of at least 6 feet.
UMB recognizes that some persons may not be able to safely wear a face covering. Reasonable accommodations may be available for individuals with a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students should contact: Educational Support and Disability Services and faculty and staff should contact Human Resources Services.
If your UMB duties require you to enter a University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) facility or other health care facility, please be aware of and strictly observe that facility’s policy regarding face coverings and personal protective equipment (PPE). Be prepared to change your face covering for PPE as required by the facility.
The UMB Policy Requiring Use of Face Coverings, along with limiting the number of people on campus, and maintaining at least 6 feet of physical distancing, will hopefully help us create a low-transmission environment at UMB.
Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS
Interim President